Lime | ||
— Color coordinates — |
Hex triplet | #BFFF00 | |
RGBB | (r, g, b) | (191, 255, 0) |
HSV | (h, s, v) | (75°, 100%, 100[1]%) |
Source | Maerz & Paul [2] | |
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte) |
Lime, also traditionally known as lime green or lime-green, is a color three-quarters of the way between yellow and green (closer to yellow than to green), so named because it is a representation of the color of the citrus fruit called limes. It is the color that is half way between the web color chartreuse and yellow on the color wheel.[2]
Contents |
The first recorded use of lime green as a color name in English was in 1890.[3][2]
Lime (color#BFFF00) is a pure spectral color at approximately 564 nanometers on the visible spectrum when plotted on the CIE chromaticity diagram.
Lime (HTML/CSS); Green (X11) | ||
— Color coordinates — |
Hex triplet | #00FF00 | |
sRGBB | (r, g, b) | (0, 255, 0) |
Source | HTML/CSS[4] | |
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte) |
The web color named lime actually corresponds to the green primary of an RGB display: it has a different HTML color code (#00FF00). A sample can be seen to the right.
See the chart Color names that clash between X11 and HTML/CSS in the X11 color names article to see those colors which are different in HTML and X11.
This color is the color of lime Jell-O and lemon lime Kool-Aid.
Lime Green | ||
— Color coordinates — |
Hex triplet | #32CD32 | |
RGBB | (r, g, b) | (50, 205, 50) |
Source | X11[4] | |
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte) |
Displayed at right is the web color called lime green.
Electric Lime | ||
— Color coordinates — |
Hex triplet | #CCFF00 | |
RGBB | (r, g, b) | (204, 255, 0) |
Source | Crayola | |
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte) |
At right is displayed the color electric lime.
This Crayola color was created in 1990.
This tint of lime is popular in psychedelic art.
Web colors | |||||||||||||||
black | gray | silver | white | maroon | red | purple | fuchsia | green | lime | olive | yellow | navy | blue | teal | aqua |
Shades of yellow | |||||||||
Amber | Apricot | Beige | Buff | Cream | Dark goldenrod | Ecru | Gold | Gold (metallic) | Goldenrod |
Green-yellow | Jasmine | Jonquil | Khaki | Lemon chiffon | Lime | Lion | Maize | Mikado yellow | Naples yellow |
Navajo white | Olive | Papaya whip | Saffron | School bus yellow | Selective yellow | Stil de grain yellow | Sunglow | Vanilla | Yellow |
The samples shown above are only indicative. |